Friday, December 24, 2010

merry christmas!

It is Christmas Eve and we are going to be going down to my mom & dad's in a little bit. We're spending most of the weekend down there. I can't tell you how excited I am for Grandma's Chicken Noodle soup tonight!!! Then we're going to have our Christmas with my mom, dad, sis, bro-in-law and us. Tomorrow is the whole extended family on my mom's side out at the farm. It will be a fun-filled weekend! :) Glad to report that I am feeling better, although now that I type that I'm not sure if I mentioned I was sick... Earlier this week I got the cold that Paul had last week, so that was fun. Not. I am not 100% yet, still full of snot, but at least I can breath for the most part and my head doesn't feel like a balloon anymore. Anyways, I will probably be late on my weekly post again this week. Today is actually the 25 week mark, but I have a bunch of things I need to get done and ready to go before Paul gets home so we can head out. And by the time I look decent enough to take a pic I won't have time to do the post. I will maybe see if Paul will take a pic for me before we leave. Well I better get a move on! Have a Merry Christmas!! :)

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